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EGAMI 10.6 - Python 3.12.8 - OE-A 5.5.1               EGAMI - Telegram Channel >> Click HERE <<

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  4. EGAMI 10.6 Viper4k / 11.03.2025 - R08

    The update was successful. So far, I'm happy with everything. Thank you for your hard work! I wish you success!
  5. EGAMI 10.6 ZGEMMA H5 11.03.2025 - R08



    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  6. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  7. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  8. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  9. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  10. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  11. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  12. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  13. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  14. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  15. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  16. Version

    1 download

    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  17. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  18. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  19. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  20. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  21. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  22. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  23. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  24. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  25. Version


    Egami 10.6 R8 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons
  26. Version


    Egami 10.6 R6 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons [EGAMI] - Update Python 3.12.8. [EGAMI] - Update GStreamer 1.24.10. [EGAMI] - Switching from mdev to udev. [EGAMI] - EgamiAIO added M3u Iptv plugin (thanks DimitarCC). [EGAMI] - New external storage device management. [EGAMI] - Added more skins ChannelSelection - 2 lines - Grid - Default. [EGAMI] - Fixed Search in Vods. [EGAMI] - Added support for Gigablue Quad 4k Pro. [EGAMI] - Update of many core components. [EGAMI] - Fixed crash in Time shift when saving configurations (Thanks odem2014). [EGAMI] - Fixed crash in tuner info (Dm900/920). [EGAMI] - [TemplateParser] Fix/improve position="fill" (Thanks OpenATV). [EGAMI] - Update cpp. [EGAMI] - Update translations. [Enigma2] - Last Updates and drivers. [OEA-5.5.1] - Last Updates. [OE-A-Plugins] - Last Updates. And many other fixes. * Please EGAMI 10.6 are based flash, openmultiboot, flash online. * No tested other boot.
  27. Version


    Egami 10.6 R6 based on OE-A 5.5.1 (OE 5.1 Styhead) binutils 2.43.1 gcc 14.2 glibc 2.40 python 3.12.6 openssl 3.3.1 Build refresh libs and python addons [EGAMI] - Update Python 3.12.8. [EGAMI] - Update GStreamer 1.24.10. [EGAMI] - Switching from mdev to udev. [EGAMI] - EgamiAIO added M3u Iptv plugin (thanks DimitarCC). [EGAMI] - New external storage device management. [EGAMI] - Added more skins ChannelSelection - 2 lines - Grid - Default. [EGAMI] - Fixed Search in Vods. [EGAMI] - Added support for Gigablue Quad 4k Pro. [EGAMI] - Update of many core components. [EGAMI] - Fixed crash in Time shift when saving configurations (Thanks odem2014). [EGAMI] - Fixed crash in tuner info (Dm900/920). [EGAMI] - [TemplateParser] Fix/improve position="fill" (Thanks OpenATV). [EGAMI] - Update cpp. [EGAMI] - Update translations. [Enigma2] - Last Updates and drivers. [OEA-5.5.1] - Last Updates. [OE-A-Plugins] - Last Updates. And many other fixes. * Please EGAMI 10.6 are based flash, openmultiboot, flash online. * No tested other boot.
  28. Immagine mmc e recovery emmc

    Ciao, in multiboot va inserito il file egami-10.x-rx-sf8008-xxxxxxx_mmc.zip Se vuoi anche la recovery con logo Egami quando avvii il ricevitore, devi fare un flash tramite la recovery del file egami-10.x-rx-sf8008-xxxxxxx_recovery_emmc.zip
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